Monday, May 24, 2010

Life in the Lane

Heaven have mercy.
My Emily has her Learner's Permit.
When did she grow up???
I think her nose barely clears the steering wheel :)
Yikes! Was that a complete stop?
Oh good.
No indigenous law personnel in sight.
Watch out!!!
We almost hit this guy...
Good thing he was a bit aged.
He didn't even notice!
"Chill out mom!!!"
This is self portrait of me being
Yeah right!
Check out the exploded
blood vessel in my right eye.
Emily: See, we arrived safe and sound!!!
Me: I think I need a nap now...

Monday, May 17, 2010

To Be A Hardy

We recently had a discussion
at the dinner table
on what it means to be a
Many things were discussed.
We told our children
"You are a Hardy.
And that means something."
So what does it mean?
they asked. 
We told them their behavior
reflects on our name.
We expect them to honor their name,
to never embarass themselves
or their family.
We told them the name
does not define the character.
The character defines the name.
I hope my children will always 
be proud to be a Hardy.
We are so proud of them.

Capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure, 
sturdy; strong; requiring great physical courage,
vigor, or endurance; bold or daring; courageous;
1175–1225; ME hardi < OF, ptp. of
*hardir to harden, make brave
vigorous, robust, hale, stout, sound,
intrepid, resolute, brave.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!
I am so blessed to
have a wonderful mother. She and my
father raised 7 children. Anyone who can pull
that off deserves a tribute!! My mother
has taught me so many things. She taught me
the importance of hard work. She taught me
perseverance in spite of obstacles and difficulties.
She taught me to be kind and how to love. She
taught me to be honest.
She taught me how to have faith even when the world seems to be crashing down and all seems to be lost. She taught me to have a sense of humor. She taught me how to laugh and how to have fun. She taught me how to be a good wife and mother. I think the greatest tribute to her is hearing her own words of wisdom coming out of my mouth to my children and then repeated by her grandchildren. She is my inspiration. She is why I know that families are forever. I love you mom!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

The Hardys know how to party.
(With non-alcoholic margaritas of course)

With all the Spanish going on around here,
we found it only fitting to have our
Cinco de Mayo party in style.

Las Hermanas

Dos Hombres

¿How do you say "brain freeze" en español?

Mexican Hat Dance

Some amigos stopped by

