We recently had a discussion
at the dinner table
at the dinner table
on what it means to be a
Many things were discussed.
We told our children
"You are a Hardy.
And that means something."
So what does it mean?
they asked.
We told them their behavior
reflects on our name.
We expect them to honor their name,
to never embarass themselves
or their family.
We expect them to honor their name,
to never embarass themselves
or their family.
We told them the name
does not define the character.
does not define the character.
The character defines the name.
I hope my children will always
be proud to be a Hardy.
We are so proud of them.
Capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure,
sturdy; strong; requiring great physical courage,
vigor, or endurance; bold or daring; courageous;
1175–1225; ME hardi < OF, ptp. of
*hardir to harden, make brave
vigorous, robust, hale, stout, sound,
intrepid, resolute, brave.
Inspirational! I've always been proud to be a Hardy.