Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ready To Serve

This young man is ready to serve a mission.

His papers are in. His interviews are completed.
He's been preparing his whole life for this.

He is ready.

His mama...not so sure she is ready.
How do I give him up for two whole years???

But it is what he wants. It is what the Lord wants.
It is what we want for him.

I've been telling him his whole life that he is a good boy.
Today, I told him he is a good man.

Jonny should receive his mission call
after General Conference.
We think on April 14th.
What a birthday week that will be!

Sure do love our Jonny.


  1. Crazy that he is at the Mission age. He is such a handsome young man. Please keep us posted on where he does get his call to, and when his farewell is. We would love to come hear him speak and bid him farewell. Fun to see your darling blog and your adorable children. They are growing up so fast. Didn't you just have Hannah on 1500 E.??

  2. Wow a missionary already - nice work man! You will make the good MAN Upstairs very happy. I am excited to hear about where you will end up hopefully not Provo! :)
